Sunday, November 2, 2008

How scary is that. I don't know about you, but I don't like war. I don't think it helps anybody. I'd almost forgotten that we're in a war right now. Did you know that? We, as a country, the Good ol' U. S. of A. are currently in a war in Iraq, a country that a sizable United States military force is currently occupying. They don't like to talk about it in the news, they don't even talk about it all that much on the campaign trail. But we're in a war. Right now.

I was in my sociology class the other day, we were talking about, I believe, the resocialization of people who join the marines. This topic meandered onto the need for certain social norms when you're in the military (i.e. the ability for a soldier to kill if in a combat situation, something that most people wouldn't be automatically ok with without military training, lets hope). the point was brought up by someone I know to be a very nice good individual that these skills are in fact needed in a just war since Iraq attacked us first.

"When did Iraq attack us?" I asked her, and she said without the least doubt in her voice
"September 11th".

This scared me a little. I hope everyone who reads this is aware that the nation of Iraq did not attack the United States on September 11th. Nor have they attacked United States soil. Iraq, and it's governing figures (primarily Sadam Hussein) did not actively fund or aide in the planning or execution of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11th, 2001. Osama Bin Laden has publically, along with other members of the Al Queada organization, taken credit for the afore mentioned terrorist attacks. Osama Bin Laden, by the way, has not been apprehended nor brought to any justice for that attack, or any other of the terrorist activities to which he openly takes credit for.

It's scares me that the people could be led so astray as to forget what were very well known facts. Whether your republican or democrat, Support the military actions taken in the past eight years or not, please stay informed as to what you're doing. I say that because everyone of you pays taxes (or has taxes paid for you), everyone of you lives and breathes and participates in U.S. life. And as such every one of you (and me) is involved in a war right now.

And people are dying.